Zender v3.8.12-fix-3


Dear Valued Customers,
We are delighted to announce the release of our latest version, which addresses several bugs identified in the last version. 

Update Instructions

Your zender must be on v3.8.12 for this update!

1.  Download the update zip file from here:
You do not have access to download files from our server
2. Go to admin panel. Find the SYSTEM widget then click the UPDATE button.
3. Select the update.zip file you downloaded from first step then submit.
4. Update your WhatsApp server the same way when you install it, replacing existing storage files. (Make sure that your WhatsApp server is stopped before you update)  

5. All done.

Changelog v3.8.12-fix-3

  • Fixed frequent termination of the WA binary
  • Fixed API documentation pages returning error when accessed by a non-admin user
  • Fixed SMS scheduled error when sending using a 3rd party gateway
  • Fixed a bug in edit SMS scheduled, repeat field keeps defaulting to 1
  • Fixed services error in the dashboard page
  • Fixed not receiving chats from a regular WA account, only groups
  • 1 168

Comments 16

  1. Offline
    salehetdin [Customers] 6 December 2024 09:42

    Thank you for update other. I cant resolve Russian symbols not recognizing in whats app. Is it possible resolve in feature?

    1. Offline
      norielle [Engineers] 6 December 2024 23:19

      Please make sure that your database collation is set to utf8mb4_unicode_ci

  2. Offline
    freefugga [Customers] 6 December 2024 11:52


    There's a problem in API Documentation,

    Send Single Chat API type samples must be mentioned like before, "text", "media", "document". Same in bulk chat api and any other place where its missing

    And how to change Philippines text?

  3. Offline
    spidometrs [Customers] 6 December 2024 12:16

    Can you make a correction?


    1. Offline
      mmassri92 [Customers] 6 December 2024 20:28

      i hope to customize this option

    2. Offline
      norielle [Engineers] 6 December 2024 23:18

      We will release a new update later today.

  4. Offline
    titan_kdk2 [Customers] 6 December 2024 16:10

    thankyou for update

  5. Offline
    enricofischer1973 [Customers] 6 December 2024 23:16

    How can I update the WA server? With mine still stands

    Version: 3.8.11

    I have Zender on 3.8.12_fix 3.

    Can someone give me an instruction please. 😅

    This exactly explains for a German potato 😁 

    4. Update your WhatsApp server the same way when you install it, replacing existing storage files. (Make sure that your WhatsApp server is stopped before you update)

    regards, Enrico

    1. Offline
      norielle [Engineers] 6 December 2024 23:18

      You will run the same command you used to install your WA server. Make sure it's in the same location.

      1. Offline
        enricofischer1973 [Customers] 6 December 2024 23:33

        You mean this?

        wget --no-cache https://raw.titansystems.ph/wa/linux.zip && unzip -o linux.zip && chmod -R 777 . && chmod +x ./titansys-whatsapp-linux && rm linux.zip

        This command can also be used to update the WhatsApp server files.

        I've already done that 3 times. 3 WA servers in it.

        How do you stop the server? Maybe it's because he's still running.

        1. Offline
          norielle [Engineers] 6 December 2024 23:35

          Ja, um den WhatsApp-Prozess zu stoppen, probier mal das hier aus:

          sudo pkill -f whatsapp


          1. Offline
            enricofischer1973 [Customers] 6 December 2024 23:46

            i have stop the server with 

            sudo pkill -f whatsapp

            add new server.

            wget --no-cache https://raw.titansystems.ph/wa/linux.zip && unzip -o linux.zip && chmod -R 777 . && chmod +x ./titansys-whatsapp-linux && rm linux.zip


            but the version is the self

            WHATSAPP SERVER IS RUNNING (v3.8.11) 

            Please add the following server details to your Zender system settings.

            Server URL:

            Server Port: 8899

          2. Offline
            enricofischer1973 [Customers] 6 December 2024 23:55

            now I have it. thanks.

            under /root i have rename the /storage

            and installed the new WA Server

  6. Offline
    kaboredeveloper [Customers] 7 December 2024 03:22

    After the last two updates I noticed that the sent and received, and devices section are gone. Can you assist me?

  7. Offline
    tomas284 [Customers] 26 December 2024 17:16

    -> Your zender must be on v3.8.12-fix-3 for this update!

    Is this something that you just say or it is mandatory?

    What is the point of deploying a version that has bugs? can I just jump to the last version and skip v3.8.12-fix-3 for example?

    1. Offline
      norielle [Engineers] 26 December 2024 17:33

      You cannot skip versions.

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