Zender v3.8.2


Dear Valued Customers,

We are thrilled to announce the release of Zender v3.8.2, the latest update packed with fixes to streamline your messaging experience.

Update Instructions

1. Download the update zip file: 

You do not have access to download files from our server

2. Go to admin panel. Find the "SYSTEM" widget then click the "UPDATE" button.

3. Select the update.zip file you downloaded from first step then submit.

4. Re-save your theme settings.

5. Update your languages, you can get the new language strings from here: https://github.com/titansys/zender-languages

6. All done.

Changelog v3.8.2

  • Added the ability to impersonate user accounts
  • Fixed WhatsApp send API "type" bug for single and bulk
  • Fixed missing translations for WhatsApp group contacts export feature
  • Fixed email verification issues
  • Fixed minor modal issues
  • Fixed social login error bug
  • Fixed minor cron issues
  • Updated documentation of WhatsApp setup modal guide
  • 3 482

Comments 65

  1. Offline
    teranfernandezjesus3 [Customers] 15 April 2024 07:49

    Thank you! They are doing a good job

  2. Offline
    norielle [Engineers] 15 April 2024 07:51

    If you updated to this version before 7:50 PM, Sunday, April 14, 2024, EST please re-download the update zip file and apply it again in the admin panel.

    1. Offline
      raul146 [Customers] 15 April 2024 08:16

      Genio! Te volvimos loco en dos dias jaja Gracias!  😎 

    2. Offline
      irfan807 [Customers] 16 April 2024 01:14

      Hi I got error after update Message: filemtime(): stat failed for templates/dashboard/assets/js/libs/bootstrap.min.js at line 272 

      1. Offline
        norielle [Engineers] 16 April 2024 23:37

        Create a ticket in the support center.

        1. Offline
          irfan807 [Customers] 17 April 2024 00:30

          Thanks for getting back to me. can't you resolve that issue here, I also sent an email to you guys but did not receive any reply yet.

      2. Offline
        ufanoando [Customers] 15 May 2024 03:01

        Got the same error, what is the solution? 


        Message: filemtime(): stat failed for templates/dashboard/assets/js/libs/bootstrap.min.js at line 272
        File: /var/www/zender/system/plugins/mvc_functions.php

  3. Offline
    PlataformasNewTrend [Customers] 15 April 2024 17:19

    From what I tested, the system is great, but I missed the possibility of selecting the number of items that the user can display in tables, such as in the Whatsapp groups tab. Another cool thing would be to have a button to extract the ID of all groups.

  4. Offline
    EmbedStuff [Customers] 15 April 2024 22:27

    Hi, after the update we are getting the error “getting error unable to generate whatsapp qr code” please support

    1. Offline
      damapic [Customers] 16 April 2024 19:23


      "Невозможно сгенерировать QRCode WhatsApp! "

  5. Offline
    brunosilvares [Customers] 15 April 2024 22:44

    I did not receive the update file the folder is only with Changelog and does not have the .zip how do I?

    1. Offline
      norielle [Engineers] 16 April 2024 23:37

      The update zip file download link is in this changelog.

  6. Offline
    spidometrs [Customers] 16 April 2024 03:49

    The Whatsapp server worked for about 10 hours and became offline.
    I found this and pressed the stop button, and then pressed the Start button and received a new address of the NGROK server.
    After replacing the address of the NGROK server in Zender, the connection to the Whatsapp server was restored online.

    1. Offline
      Jocoza2020 [Customers] 30 April 2024 14:53

      I have same problem

  7. Offline
    PlataformasNewTrend [Customers] 16 April 2024 03:52

    When scheduling sending to groups, the system does not send, giving errors in all actions.

    1. Offline
      PlataformasNewTrend [Customers] 16 April 2024 03:59

      It doesn't seem to respect the time limit imposed when setting up the WhatsApp account either.

  8. Offline
    ensels [Customers] 16 April 2024 05:09

    Hi guys. Is there any documentation’s/knowledge base about custom plugin development?

  9. Offline
    socialstudio1 [Customers] 16 April 2024 16:13

    after upload the new update its showing this error and my website is not working now check screenshot


    Message: filemtime(): stat failed for templates/dashboard/assets/js/libs/bootstrap.min.js at line 272
    File: /www/wwwroot/app.whtapi.com/system/plugins/mvc_functions.php

    Reload Page

    1. Offline
      irfan807 [Customers] 16 April 2024 17:15

      I am facing the same issue

    2. Offline
      Rere2018 [Customers] 26 April 2024 15:41

      Don't go straight from version 3.3.8 to version 3.8.2 to be sure you will get an error like that, but you have to go from version .3.8 first, then 3.8.1, and then the final version 3.8.2.

      To fix this, download version 3.3.8, and look for several files in the folder (updated version 3.8.2), then overwrite all these files with the 3.8.2 install file, note! No need to overwrite all files, but just select a few according to the files in update.zip (v3.3.8)

      List of files in version 3.8.2

      - system > configurations > (cc_ver.inc)

      - system > controllers > (api.php, cron.php, requests.php, social.php, table.php)

      - system > plugins > (mvc_functions.php)

      - system > storage > temporary > (default.lang)

      - templates > _assets > js > (functions.js)

      - templates > _scss > (dashboard.rtl.scss, dashboard.scss)

      - templates > dashboard > (the rest is the same as above)

      Then the first step is update.zip (version 3.8) then continue to the version above that.

      WAMANAGER (Indonesia)
      WA : (+62) 819-1400-5555
      Email : [email protected]
  10. Offline
    Infopartizan [Customers] 16 April 2024 19:44

    I upgraded to the latest version 3.8.2. Everything works correctly. But when working with SMS, I constantly get an error. On any action: send a message, save device settings, even change the language on the page related to SMS. Messages from the phone stop and you can continue only by restarting the application. On pages with watsapp there are no problems. What can be the reason?

    1. Offline
      Infopartizan [Customers] 16 April 2024 20:07

      The console gives one very strange error

      1. Offline
        norielle [Engineers] 16 April 2024 23:39

        You need to setup the cronjob for TitanEcho.

        1. Offline
          Infopartizan [Customers] 17 April 2024 05:03

          I checked all the cron commands again. Some places really should have changed 300 to 180. But so far the error persists. What else could be the cause?

        2. Offline
          Infopartizan [Customers] 17 April 2024 20:48

          Help me I need to solve this problem. I do not work as well registration on the site. It gives exactly the same error! wa-sms.com you can check for yourself

          1. Offline
            norielle [Engineers] 17 April 2024 22:32

            Did you followed the update instructions of v3.8 correctly? It seems that you didn't deleted the /vendor folder before updating.

            1. Offline
              Infopartizan [Customers] 18 April 2024 05:01

              Благодарю Вы действительно были правы. Я был уверен что удалял эту папку. Надеюсь это исправит проблему. Пока все работает корректно. Еще раз благодарю.

              1. Offline
                niyalnagar [Customers] 30 April 2024 09:07

                You need to delete old entries from Databases. Old entries are not getting deleted by new version. You have to be very careful while working on database. Don't forget to take backup first. I solved my issue using database.

  11. Offline
    muradali44 [Customers] 17 April 2024 01:13

    Sir thanks the issue is resolved after deleting all the mentioned stuff

  12. Offline
    Infopartizan [Customers] 18 April 2024 05:13

    Error during registration. When registering, you have to confirm your e-mail address twice. The first time an e-mail with a confirmation link comes right after registration. And the second time when I try to log in with my username and password, I get an error that the account is not activated and again I get a letter for activation. After reactivation I manage to enter the cabinet. How can this be corrected?

    1. Offline
      Infopartizan [Customers] 19 April 2024 22:36

      How to solve this problem? The e-mail is sent twice!

    2. Offline
      amradeldotcom1 [Customers] 21 April 2024 01:50

      i figured the same problem

  13. Offline
    romifirdauslazuardi [Customers] 18 April 2024 15:21

    I have an error on google login in v3.8.2

  14. Offline
    spidometrs [Customers] 21 April 2024 00:33


    I ask for advice.
    Which URL Shortener script is better to use for Zender?
    To make the script 100% work with Zender and is fast?

  15. Offline
    juanctr2 [Customers] 22 April 2024 19:58

    Two mistakes
    1. Problem when deleting linked accounts. An invalid request message appears and it does not allow you to delete the account despite being disconnected. In addition, it does not allow you to reconnect it if the limit of accounts in the plan has been reached.
    2. When deleting a user's account from the administrator and re-registering it with the normal process, the system continues to recognize the email. If it is entered with normal credentials, the system recognizes it but displays this screen.

  16. Offline
    nazmi88 [Customers] 23 April 2024 19:56
    Quote: EmbedStuff

    Hi, after the update we are getting the error “getting error unable to generate whatsapp qr code” please support

    How to fix this?

    1. Offline
      EmbedStuff [Customers] 25 April 2024 19:18


      This is because whatsapp server is not configured properly

      You need to use the new WhatsApp binaries.  

  17. Offline
    sansheaven [Customers] 25 April 2024 19:14

    After update my Schedule SMS and WhatsApp is not working, even though the cron job is set correctly.

    1. Offline
      Majevski [Customers] 25 April 2024 22:16

      Yes, I've got the same issue.

  18. Offline
    fantasmacoderchks [Customers] 26 April 2024 15:47



  19. Offline
    chiefsolutionist [Customers] 26 April 2024 17:36

    Trying to connect my whatsapp account, it shows that the server has 1 account connected. But there's nothing in the connected acounts

    1. Offline
      chiefsolutionist [Customers] 26 April 2024 18:31

      Never mind, I fixed it. It was a cloudflare issue. High security on the domain causes issues. I just droped it a little.

    2. Offline
      tasaddaqrana [Customers] 6 May 2024 02:34

      This is also happening with me, please briefly explain how you fixed the issue, thanks

  20. Offline
    mateopang [Customers] 27 April 2024 12:09

    Hello, dear!
    If we enable the WA receive, it automatically marks the messages as read.
    if we disable it, we no longer receive notifications.

    and our customers need this to be addressed asap.
    us as well. Please help us!

  21. Offline
    bipsmsdotcom [Customers] 28 April 2024 00:39

    Everything working fine

  22. Offline
    niyalnagar [Customers] 30 April 2024 09:11

    I found a bug, if device limit is 1 & one device is login but disconnected & I am relinking the device that on clicking on Relink Button & Link Button then it is showing maximum limit reached. Please check this others this bug.

    1. Offline
      titan_kdk2 [Customers] 1 May 2024 22:17

      please check devtracker

  23. Offline
    rescatedemocratico [Customers] 4 May 2024 04:16

    Good afternoon, the WhatsApp QR code is not being generated for me.here I attach images.
    And also if you can send me the download link of the server for Linux because I didn't find it on envato, nor on your page, I had to find it on someone else's page.

    1. Offline
      Rere2018 [Customers] 7 May 2024 16:51
      0 change to ip public

      WAMANAGER (Indonesia)
      WA : (+62) 819-1400-5555
      Email : [email protected]
  24. Offline
    leo2andrade [Customers] 6 May 2024 02:42
    Quote: rescatedemocratico

    Good afternoon, the WhatsApp QR code is not being generated for me.here I attach images.
    And also if you can send me the download link of the server for Linux because I didn't find it on envato, nor on your page, I had to find it on someone else's page.

    Same problem here!

  25. Offline
    raul146 [Customers] 7 May 2024 04:22

    It has become recurring that the WhatsApp server gives me the error "Request Time-out'" and has to be restarted. Is there a way for the system to check the server status every x time, or notify like when a WhatsApp account is disconnected? Thank you.

  26. Offline
    Rere2018 [Customers] 7 May 2024 08:11

    How do I delete all messages, from RECEIVED or SENT messages?

    Please add this function to make it easier when you want to delete old messages.

    Thank You

    WAMANAGER (Indonesia)
    WA : (+62) 819-1400-5555
    Email : [email protected]
  27. Offline
    tasaddaqrana [Customers] 7 May 2024 15:58

    When I try to send "Hello" or "Hi" it says "Too Short Message" in Whatsapp.

    1. Offline
      raul146 [Customers] 8 May 2024 01:33

      In the administrator settings (yoursite.com/dashboard/admin/) the nut icon at the top right, you can configure the minimum number of characters for messages.

  28. Offline
    TenaciousAlaf [Customers] 7 May 2024 19:55

    i have only a problem, when i send bulk whatsapp messages and it arrives to 500 messages the system stop. Can you please let me know if is there something wrong?

    Then When i update the connection with whatsapp server the message start again

    Any solution to this?

  29. Offline
    Infopartizan [Customers] 7 May 2024 23:41

    When trying to create or modify a page, it gives an error. Also pages are not opened if the user is authorized in the personal cabinet. It just redirects to the dashboard

  30. Offline
    kalaminfotec [Customers] 11 May 2024 12:15

    From Yesterday Again Whatsapp disconnected,, New scan not working

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