Zender v3.1.2


Hi there!

This update released to fix some of the critical issues from v3.1 such as the unwanted freezing when sending too many messages using the bulk sender.

We have also fixed the known WhatsApp issues such as messages staying in queue, not sending, brazil number issue and more. We have complete reworked the WhatsApp system, it will require your users to link their WhatsApp accounts again.

Tons of new features have been added such as register confirmation and more.

We have also updated the documentation for some pages such as cron jobs, app builder and more. Please read the updated documentation here: https://docs.titansystems.ph/zender

We have also added some information about the TitanEcho service, this is an exclusive service for our customers only. You can read more about it here: https://docs.titansystems.ph/zender/system/titan-echo

Update instructions are here: https://docs.titansystems.ph/zender/updation/system

Please read it carefully and follow the steps properly to avoid some issues.

Thank you,

Norielle Cruz (Senior Engineer)

Changelog v3.1.2

  • Added support for LightSpeed server
  • Added WhatsApp random send interval settings
  • Added the ability to disable receiving messages from device inbox and WhatsApp accounts
  • Added the ability to modify user credits
  • Added the ability to choose redirect location when authenticating via login, forgot and register
  • Added the ability to select default country for registration form
  • Added the ability to select default time zone for the register form
  • Added mailing triggers which allows the admin to receive alerts when a new user has registered, a package has been bought, a voucher has been redeemed and many more
  • Updated recaptcha disabling feature, instead of login disabling only, it will now be hidden in all authentication forms when disabled
  • Updated composer libraries
  • Updated API documentation
  • Updated official documentation
  • Fixed social login issues
  • Fixed brazil number bug for WhatsApp
  • Fixed app builder settings bug for credential files
  • Fixed php 8.1 compatibility issues
  • Fixed WhatsApp bug where self messages are being treated as received in the system
  • Fixed translation issues of the system
  • Fixed translation issues of the gateway app
  • Fixed RTL issues
  • Fixed missing translation strings
  • Fixed modal 302 response in some requests
  • Fixed a bug where an error occurs when there is no example number for the selected country
  • Fixed global device issue when sending

  • 1 942

Comments 55

  1. Offline
    aniszimi [Customers] 28 May 2022 05:28

    can i update now from 2.3 without losing data?

    Anis Zimi
    1. Offline
      norielle [Engineers] 28 May 2022 05:52

      Updating from v2 is still not available. Our team has to delay it because v3 needs urgent release. We apologize for the delay.

      1. Offline
        irfan807 [Customers] 28 May 2022 06:11


        It's been almost over a month. When you are going to release the update for v2.8?

        1. Offline
          norielle [Engineers] 28 May 2022 06:17

          Hi, we understand your frustration to this matter. Unfortunately, v3 is too advanced compared to v2 and this adds delay to the task. We are working hard to release it asap. Please understand.

  2. Offline
    pablosavigne [Customers] 28 May 2022 06:33

    Im getting this error when replacing request.php and update 

    1. Offline
      norielle [Engineers] 28 May 2022 06:37

      Please delete the uploads/temporary/update/ folder and try again.

      1. Offline
        pablosavigne [Customers] 28 May 2022 06:39

        Fixed!!, thanks a lot for your really fast and incredible support.

  3. Offline
    betohs [Customers] 28 May 2022 12:28

    1. Fixed Brazil number bug for WhatsApp:

    Executed incorrectly, stopped working.
    There is an error, it is removing the number 9 from the beginning.

    Brazil > Rio de Janeiro
    Correct: +5521911112222
    incorrect: +552144442222
    (Country +55) (State 21) (nine-number phone - started with number 9)
    +55 21 91111-2222

    2. I can't test the fix of the other functions that were buggy in the previous version because of the above fix error (1.)

    1. Offline
      norielle [Engineers] 28 May 2022 18:45

      Hi, we actually used the suggested fix of one of the customer but it seems to be incorrect based on your statement.

      If you have an algorithm for this, we can use that instead. We are actually having issues testing this because we are not from brazil.

      1. Offline
        betohs [Customers] 28 May 2022 22:30

        Is it on our server or on your file server that does the processing? To explain better, what would the file be?
        - The correct thing would be not to have treatment, what the customer typed or created in the contact (thirteen or twelve numbers), carry out the sending;
        - In Brazil, depending on the state code, we have a total of thirteen or twelve numbers;

        Example 1: Brazil - Rio de Janeiro:
        +5521912345678 (total of thirteen numbers)
        1.1 Country code: 55
        1.2 State code: 21
        1.3 Example phone with nine numbers: 912345678

        Example 2: Brazil - Mato Grosso do Sul:
        +556712345678 (total of twelve numbers)
        2.1 Country code: 55
        2.2 State code: 67
        2.3 Example phone with eight numbers: 12345678

      2. Offline
        betohs [Customers] 13 June 2022 22:04

        Forecast for correction in pastebin or next system update ??

        The use of the WhatsApp function in the system is very limited without this correction.

  4. Offline
    varaprasadav [Customers] 28 May 2022 12:56

    i am getting like this in various places after update to 3.1.2

    1. Offline
      betohs [Customers] 28 May 2022 13:08


      1. You have to update the default language file from 'https://github.com/titansys/zender-languages' to '/system/languages'.
      2. I had to update in my language file the last lines that were missing.
      3. In the admin erase the cache. 4. Refresh the page or log out and log in again. 

      1. Offline
        varaprasadav [Customers] 28 May 2022 13:16

        Thanks Mate
        Issue Got Resolved

      2. Offline
        norielle [Engineers] 28 May 2022 18:43

        Please note that you don't need to edit the language files in system/languages/ manually.

        You can easily update the translation strings in the language manager.

    2. Offline
      bipsmsdotcom [Customers] 28 May 2022 13:21

      I am facing same issue 

      1. Offline
        norielle [Engineers] 28 May 2022 18:40

        Hi, as betohs stated, you will need to update the languages manually from the language repository. We have removed automatic update of languages because it can overwrite custom languages and we want to prevent that from happening.

        Here's the official language repository: https://github.com/titansys/zender-languages

        New language strings can be located in the changes directory.

        1. Offline
          bipsmsdotcom [Customers] 28 May 2022 19:57

          Issue solved. Thanks

  5. Offline
    Rsahin007 [Customers] 28 May 2022 14:52

    Now showing something went wrong . yesterday i changed the  server ip . Is this causing for that ?

    1. Offline
      Rsahin007 [Customers] 28 May 2022 14:57


      1. Offline
        Space_Labs [Customers] 28 May 2022 18:22

        same show this problem when i try update

      2. Offline
        norielle [Engineers] 28 May 2022 18:41

        Hi, did you followed the update instructions correctly? https://docs.titansystems.ph/zender/updation/system

        1. Offline
          Space_Labs [Customers] 28 May 2022 19:58

          in my case yes because not have this folder

  6. Offline
    cuongpham259 [Customers] 28 May 2022 17:44

    Hi, can you check the Contacts Import system?.

    I tried to try this function in v3.1.1 and v3.1.2. But no success.

    1. Offline
      norielle [Engineers] 28 May 2022 18:51

      Are you having an error when trying to use it? If you have a screenshot, it can help us find what's causing it.

      1. Offline
        cuongpham259 [Customers] 28 May 2022 19:22

        This is the excel file I used to import. It is loaded from the template, only change the contact group.

        Watch the process video here: https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/9148801?key=9a7cce1f56eb2bb430d2a05b0d7

        Message: 0 contacts have been imported successfully!

        Thanks a lot!

        1. Offline
          norielle [Engineers] 28 May 2022 19:52

          Hi, you need a Group ID (integer) and not the name. You can get group ID in the contact groups page.

          1. Offline
            cuongpham259 [Customers] 28 May 2022 23:34

            hi @norielle

            Problem solved, thanks for the reply.

  7. Offline
    mehdiana15 [Customers] 28 May 2022 19:31


    I'm getting the error of "Invalid Request", after following the steps for the update from 3.1 to 3.1.2.

    I've removed the files in upload folder and nothing is working.

    What do i have to do ?

    Thank's in advance.

    1. Offline
      norielle [Engineers] 28 May 2022 19:48

      Hi, if quick update is not working, please try manual update. Instructions are also in the update documentation.

      1. Offline
        mehdiana15 [Customers] 28 May 2022 21:03

        after doing the manual update i'm unable to access to the admin, i'm getting 

        1. Offline
          Space_Labs [Customers] 28 May 2022 21:17

          in my case i delete all and install the system and now work , but whatsapp qr not work

          1. Offline
            norielle [Engineers] 28 May 2022 23:49

            Is this a fresh install? 

        2. Offline
          norielle [Engineers] 28 May 2022 23:48

          Please clear the contents of system/storage/cache directory. The go to admin panel and click the "Cache" button.

          1. Offline
            betohs [Customers] 29 May 2022 06:02

            Update 3.1.2 performed.
            After the update I was able to link a new wahtasapp account. But with the problem of numbers from Brazil (total of thirteen or twelve numbers), I couldn't send.

            Now, no account on my website can generate QRCODE to link whatsapp account. - What to do? The cache has already been emptied but it does not generate the qrcode.

            - It does not leave this screen and does not generate the qr code to link the whatsapp account. Something that blocked me on your server?

            1. Offline
              norielle [Engineers] 29 May 2022 06:27

              Hi, this problem usually occurs when your site doesn't have a valid token for the TitanEcho service. To generate a new one, you will need to click the "Cache" button in the admin panel then reload the page and try again.

              1. Offline
                Space_Labs [Customers] 29 May 2022 18:02

                i delete all cache and not fix this problem

                1. Offline
                  Rsahin007 [Customers] 30 May 2022 19:59

                  Same here...

                2. Offline
                  norielle [Engineers] 30 May 2022 22:07

                  Please send us your site URL so we can check it. Please send it via PM.

  8. Offline
    ThemeGhasForing [Customers] 29 May 2022 02:21

    My current version is v2.8, Now I want to update v3.1.2

    Please help me. How to update v3.1.2 

    1. Offline
      norielle [Engineers] 29 May 2022 02:31

      Hi, the update files for v2 to v3 is still under development. We'll post an announcement when this is ready.

      1. Offline
        ThemeGhasForing [Customers] 29 May 2022 03:32

        How long can it take to get the file ready?

        1. Offline
          norielle [Engineers] 29 May 2022 04:15

          We are targeting to release it in a few days.

  9. Offline
    AlannurD [Customers] 29 May 2022 04:14


    no redirect in admin panel

    1. Offline
      norielle [Engineers] 29 May 2022 04:15

      Hi, we don't understand. Can you please explain further?

  10. Offline
    Rsahin007 [Customers] 29 May 2022 20:03

    Again QR Code not showing ..

    1. Offline
      Rsahin007 [Customers] 29 May 2022 20:08

      cache cleared but not working

    2. Offline
      Rsahin007 [Customers] 30 May 2022 02:29

      titan echo : https://altmsg.com/cron/echo/b643bda7d20cef51b601de91eae5cd135a6bd1a7b67890f0b4

      1. Offline
        norielle [Engineers] 30 May 2022 22:02

        Hi, we have checked this. It seems that the WhatsApp server is unable to reach your server, please temporarily disable your firewall and check if this will fix your issue.

  11. Offline
    davidbolivarh [Customers] 13 June 2022 05:17

    Hello. After new versions I lost the ability to get received messages on a Samsung SM-J250M (Android Nougat). I need to use this functionality as I have a service that depends on it.

    1. Offline
      norielle [Engineers] 13 June 2022 13:13

      Hi, please make sure to rebuild your app and re-install it in the device.

  12. Offline
    RaYaNaaz [Customers] 15 June 2022 00:06

    Hi guys ! 

    thanks for the great update.

    really like the new features.

    I just have an issue building the app, for some reason after I updated Zender and rebuilt the app it is stuck on the splash screen,

    older apk version still working just the new ones are not, I tried building two times and still stuck.

    I cleared cache , started from scratch, installed the script again, and still same, is the problem from the building server ? 

    1. Offline
      norielle [Engineers] 15 June 2022 10:01

      Please check if you are using the correct protocol in the system settings, if your server has ssl, please use https. After changing the protocol, rebuild your app.

  13. Offline
    irfan807 [Customers] 17 June 2022 21:24

    Hi We are still waiting for the update from v2.3. When will you release the update? Thanks

  14. Offline
    davidbolivarh [Customers] 30 June 2022 21:19

    Hello. I'm having a problem, I think, with character encoding when using the whatsapp api.

    I send this from the api:
    Text with "double quotes" and url https://www.google.com?x=1&y=2

    I get this on whatsapp:
    Text with "double quotes" and url https://www.google.com?x=1&y=2

    Convert this character " to this "
    Convert this character & to this &

    Do you know how they could solve this? I am using php and curl.

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